Thursday, October 8, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009

Rizal Gutierrez is a nine-year-old boy from the
Hope came the day Rizal’s father heard an unusual advertisement on the radio by an organization called Mabuhay Deseret Foundation (Deseret International). This organization claimed to perform corrective and reconstructive surgeries free of charge. At first, the Gutierrez family was skeptical. They had never heard of an organization capable of performing such miracles. Their neighbors and friends said it was a trick and that they would have to pay for the operation in the end. Regardless of these fears, Rizal and his father made the trek to Mabuhay Hospice in
Rizal has one more operation to go before he can return home for good. When asked what’s in store for Rizal when the third surgery is complete, his father replied, “He wants to go to school and is excited to lead a normal life. He wants to play chess. Before the surgery, he never left the house; now he is a busy body. He wants to try new foods and become more independent. I hope he becomes a car painter like me.” As Rizal re-enters his community, he will no longer be a source of scorn but an emblem of possibility and miracle. Free to attend school and leave his home as he chooses, he will also be a contributing member of his society.
These important surgeries are evidence that impairments and abnormalities are biological and fixable—instead of a mark of evil or symbol of wrongdoing that many people believe them to be. In the
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Success in Cairo
caravans that we did in ancient Cairo one and a half years ago.
She came to us suffering from very poor vision in the right eye, which was hand movement only with bad projection. We asked her how it happened. She said her husband hit her for six months severely that her head was opened and she went to the hospital and got stitches in her head.
At the same time she lost the vision in the left eye. When she went to the governmental hospital at that time they told her she had an internal hemorrhage in the vitreous and the anterior chamber, and a retinal detachment. They also said she didn’t have any hope for surgical interference or treatment, and to thank GOD that her second eye is well!
Of course, this was a very wrong decision, since she can be cured from this hemorrhage and can be washed and an operation can be done to fix he retina again, BUT is very expensive operation and takes a lot of effort.
The patient didn’t have any money so they told here that there was no hope! Most governmental hospitals don’t perform this operation because it is very coasty and needs very skillful doctors.
So her left eye was lost because the hemorrhage in the anterior chamber and the eye was totally lost forever just because she is poor!
We asked her about her right eye. She said she has some itching and she is very afraid on this eye since it is her only good eye. She is responsible for three children after her husband left them without any money.
We examined her right eye very well and it was okay without any problems.
A few weeks later, she came to our center, and was very terrified and sad. She said that the day before she suddenly felt a sharp drop in her vision in her good eye and the vision became worse today.
When examining her, I found a large giant tear in the retina and the hole was so posterior. Of course, this was very threatening to her vision and so dangerous; especially that she was one-eyed patient. We have to move so quickly. This patient had to make a vitrectomy operation so quickly to preserve her vision.
In our center, we don't have a vitrectomy machine, so we contacted one of our retinal surgeons and we explained the situation of the patient, then we sent the patient to an eye center equipped with vitrectomy machine and we paid to the patient the cost in advance so that to make the operation as much as possible.
The time from the moment that the patient came to our center till she made the operation was only 18 hours.
The operation went smoothly. The next day the patient came to our center, to thank us since her vision came back again, after she lived a terror from losing her lonely eye.
She told us she wasn't sad about her lost of vision, but she was very afraid about her three children. She wondered who would raise and take care of them.
The oldest is 13 years, and the youngest is six. With no father and no one who could help.
BUT now, she is seeing and she can continue her work and feed her children. She came yesterday to the clinic to thank us and she offered to come every author day to clean the clinic without charge.
We thanked her and told her that we are only the hand that gives the help but we have a lot of supporters and supplies much more better than us they are from different nations, different races different religions, BUT they all have a common thing, that they love GOD and love to do the GOODNESS as sort of thanking GOD for his gifts and blessings.
These are our supports and suppliers, without them we can do nothing… so DON'T THANK US, ONLY THANK GOD.
She left our center and her tears were creeping on her cheeks. Thanks to you all my dear friends, May GOD bless you all...
Success in Egypt
He works in the afternoon in an office of a lawyer as a secretary to increase his income since he has a family of four children. He suffered from a Central Corneal Opacity in his left eye. His vision in this eye was 4/60 so he depended in his right eye where his vision was fair.
Once when he was passing by some people who were fighting, he got a stone thrown in his right eye, which was his best eye. This caused him to have a ruptured globe.
He went to EL MENIA HOSPITAL to repair his corneal wound where they sutured the cornea. After that, he had a dense Leucoma in his right eye and lost his vision and his hand movement, which was his protection.
He took an obligatory vacation from his job at the school due to his very week vision, since now he has only one eye seeing which is 4/60 which didn't allow him to do his work well.
They gave him a health vacation with a half salary, which is the law in Egypt. This half salary was 120le to raise a family of four children beside his wife!
Since he also left his work at the law office, he tried to go to doctors to make this operation, ( keratoplasty) BUT no doctor in EL MENIA province could do this operation. So he was advised to go to Cairo, where he knew he couldn’t afford the cost of the examination of famous eye doctors in Cairo, which is about 100 le for exam. He remained blind, sad and depressed.
Last year, we went to a village called Matai in el Menia. This man heard about that there are good doctors coming from Egypt to exam the poor people on that date. He booked his place very early, since he was living on a hope to regain his vision back, we examined him and saw the dense opacity and gave him a date to come to our clinic in Cairo for more investigations for free.
Two weeks after, he came we reexamined him, made a sonography for him that revealed that the interior of the eye was good and healthy. We also made vep for testing the optic nerve which was in good condition, then a general examination was done for preparing him to surgery.
On September 18, 2007, the operation was done for penetrating kertoplasty. We made a close follow up to him and after one month of the operation the vision was 6/18 un aided vision.
One month later, we made him a pair of eye glasses which improved the vision till 6/9 which was really a marvelous result.
The patient was so happy and couldn’t didn't believe that all this could be done to him without charge.
He was always expecting us to charge him. He didn't think that all this was free. He said (maybe they were waiting for the result to charge me) but we assured him that this all was due to the donations of our partners and friends.
After he put his eye glasses and saw how his vision came back very clearly, he cried and thanked GOD a lot. He said to us that he never lost hope in GOD and his miracles. Even in the darkest times.
He said, I knew that after the long time I remained in darkness, GOD would restore my vision back again. I never hurt any one or insulted any one and I was quite sure of GOD was generous and merciful.
He called me a few weeks later and said he went back to work in the school after he was subjected to a clinical test in the health department that accepted his vision and ability to work, and he worked after noon as a writer in an accountant office with more salary that the previous salary in the law office. He has a new life full of happiness and love.
Now he can raise his family well and fulfill his ambitions thanks to all of you. Without your aid and encouragement, we could never do this.
Kindest regards,
Ahmed Hathoot
Success in Kena
A patient came to us in a caravan in one of the villages of KENA province, a mother with her daughter who was 19 years old. She suffered from a Corneal Opacity due to a severe infection on the cornea, the case way not managed well, and then she had a corneal opacity. As you will see, the young woman didn’t look very good.
Since then, she has faced a lot of difficulties. She was engaged to be married before she got the infection. After she got the infection, her fiancĂ©e left her. He told her that he couldn’t marry a semi-blind woman.
The woman went into a depression. She couldn’t attend college because her eyes were so bad. She had to wear dark glasses all the time when she went out of her home even in the lectures, which gave the impression that she was blind. Her life became dark.
Her parents were not rich. They took her to eye doctors which demanded a lot of money, more than 15000 le, which they couldn't afford. Her father earns 400 le at his job, which is for his entire family to live on. He has four children, and none of them work except him.
The woman continued to cry and ask GOD to solve her problem, which turned her life to a dark profile.
When she came to the association, we asked her to do a sonar on the eye. The report was sooo bad, it said she has a retinal detachment and no hope for the operation. When I examined her, I suggested that there is no detachment, because she can see the light from the four directions.
I made a decision to take her to Cairo to repeat the sonar on the eye, which revealed a very good result and that the retina was in place and she could make the operation successfully.
On August 14, 2007 we performed the operation on the expense of the association, which passed very smoothly without any complications. After three weeks she had a 6/18 vision with no correction. She was so happy!
She regained her good looks, vision and her self confidence. She took off her dark glasses that she used to wear to hide her white eye, and now she is proud by her beautiful eyes.
She went back to her college with a lot of hope and desire to succeed in her exams after her failure in two items last year because of her bad circumstances.
She said, “I feel that I am newly born again after my vision came back to me.”
To all of you, we would like to say, “Thanks a lot for all that you helped us with, and thanks for your cooperation to help with others’ weakness and pain.”
Ahmed Hathoot